University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings <p><strong><img src="" alt="" align="right" /></strong></p> <p><strong>The journal is a peer-reviewed edition that supports a policy of open access to scientific publications and publishers articles under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.</a></strong></p> <p><a href=";tip=sid&amp;clean=0#google_vignette"><img src="" alt="" width="100" height="29" align="right" /></a></p> <p><strong><img src="" alt="" width="332" height="481" /></strong></p> <p><strong>Year of foundation:</strong> 2010</p> <p><strong>Field of science and issues in focus:</strong> Journal of Conference proceedings depict the latest achievements in the research of library and information science - revealing emerging trends and new ideas before they appear in journals. Journal of Conference proceedings offer broad coverage of new ideas, methodologies and projects in fast-moving areas of research related to the activity of university libraries in education, science and culture.</p> <p><strong>ІSSN</strong> <a href="">2707-0476 (Online)</a></p> <p><strong>The journal is registered:<br /></strong>- with the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting № 2013 dated 13.06.2024. Media identifier: R40-05245 (<a href="">Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 2013 dated 13.06.2024</a>).</p> <p><strong> </strong><strong>We are indexed and listed in: </strong> The International Catalogue of periodicals UlrichswebTM Global Serials Directory, databases <a href=";q=University%20Library%20at%20a%20New%20Stage%20of%20Social%20Communications%20Development">Crossref</a>, <a href=";sort=backlinks&amp;p">Open Ukrainian Citation Index</a> (OUCI), <a href=";as_sdt=0%2C5&amp;;btnG=">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">Zenodo</a>, <a href="">DOAJ</a>, <a href=";src=s&amp;st1=University+Library+at+a+New+Stage+of+Social+Communications+Development.+Conference+Proceedings&amp;sid=ed027b35bf846c52eebf80f673c3fa4d&amp;sot=b&amp;sdt=b&amp;sl=104&amp;s=SRCTITLE%28University+Library+at+a+New+Stage+of+Social+Communications+Development.+Conference+Proceedings%29&amp;origin=searchbasic&amp;editSaveSearch=&amp;yearFrom=Before+1960&amp;yearTo=Present">Scopus</a>, <a href="">ERIH PLUS</a>.</p> <p><strong>Frequency:</strong> Once per year (December)</p> <p><strong>Language of publication:</strong> English, Ukrainian (in mixed languages)</p> <p><strong>Founder:</strong> <a href="">Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies</a></p> <p><strong>Address of editorial office:</strong> Lazaryana St., 2, room 267, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010</p> <p><strong>Phone:</strong> +38 (056) 371-51-05,</p> <p><strong>Email:</strong> <a href=""></a>; <a href=""></a></p> <p><a href="">See details</a></p> en-US (Tetiana Kolesnykova) (Olena Matveyeva) Sat, 28 Dec 2024 13:34:43 +0200 OJS 60 University Libraries on the Path to Enhancing Equity, Diversity, Accessibility, Inclusion <p>In this issue, our distinguished authors share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns about the role of higher education institution (HEI) libraries in promoting equality, diversity, accessibility, and inclusion in today's society. Conversations around this topic are not a new focus in HEI libraries. Librarians create and strive for improvement in developing a comfortable and welcoming environment (online and offline) for all students, faculty and staff. Librarians care about the diversity and accessibility of collections and services. But in this time of uncertainty, university communities want answers to general or ‘point’ questions about library support for vulnerable university communities (especially students with disabilities) and local communities. The articles pay special attention to the consideration of practices, tasks and strategies for the near future, provided by the Ukrainian authors as their selfreflection, direct experience of working in wartime, i.e. a crisis of the highest level, involving a threat to human life and health.</p> T. O. KOLESNYKOVA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Mediatization as a Fundamental Communication Strategy of University Libraries in Kharkiv <p><strong>Objective</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">. The aim of the study is to develop conceptual foundations for medialization as the most effective communication strategy for university libraries. The unique experience of analytical and marketing practices in scientific libraries of universities enables them to effectively monitor the impact of their official accounts on social networks and messaging platforms, thereby contributing to the formation of their unique image. </span><strong>Methods</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">. Employed methods include observation, comparison, Internet marketing, content analysis of official university websites, references to official web representations on social networks (messengers), statistical and mathematical methods, as well as systemic and socio-communicative approaches. </span><strong>Results</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">. The study clarified the extent of Kharkiv universities’ incorporation into the global communication space through their web presence activity on various social networks/messengers. Rankings for the popularity of social networks/messengers (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Telegram) among Kharkiv universities, as well as for their Telegram channels based on the number of subscribers were developed. </span><strong>Conclusions</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">. University libraries possess powerful analytical potential for enhancing the effectiveness of universities’ branding campaigns through medialization –</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">effective communication activities on social networks/messengers. Systematic use of web analytics tools to monitor the effectiveness of communication strategies and adapt content according to subscribers’ interests can improve the quality of communication and marketing activities in higher education institutions.</span></p> A. A. SOLIANYK, A. M. SHELESTOVA, N. A. KORZHYK, A. O. BORYSOVA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Development of Leadership Qualities of the Managerial Staff as a Factor Influencing the Resilience of the University Library in the Crisis <p><strong>Objective</strong><strong>.</strong> The purpose of the publication is to determine the role of leadership development of the managerial staff in ensuring the management of the university library in the dynamic crisis conditions of long-term martial law. The article analyses the features of resilient organisations that promptly restore controllability and perform work tasks. The leadership qualities, the development of which is expedient in the team in the conditions of crisis changes, are considered. <strong>Methods.</strong> The conducted analysis covered the scientific publications on the topic of the study. The study used empirical methods to determine the effectiveness of leadership development among library managers. <strong>Results.</strong> The influence of the state of technical and social components on the resilience of the organisation is considered. Technical components are difficult to influence by the library administration, unlike social ones. That is why the main focus is on the regulation of social components. Based on the practical results of the library's work, the expediency of forming a leadership style to ensure the library's resilience in crisis conditions is substantiated. <strong>Conclusions</strong><strong>.</strong> Thus, we believe that in crisis conditions, the resilience of an organisation can be enhanced by developing the leadership skills of the library management. During the period of uncertain crisis conditions of martial law, these leadership styles normalise the psychological climate in the team and set employees up for results.</p> O. V. ODNOVOLYKOVA, Y. M. HLAVCHEVA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 'Whose is Crimea?' or What Content Are International Databases of Scientific Publications Filled with <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The article aims to examine reputable international databases of scientific publications to identify the promotion of anti-Ukrainian content and determine the most typical directions of such promotion. <strong>Methods.</strong> Using the method of content analysis, the authors identified journals in certain international databases of scientific publications whose publishers are registered in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, as well as Russian journals that publish works by authors from these territories, recognizing them as "new regions of Russia" and positively perceiving the ideas of the legitimacy of including new subjects in the Russian Federation. There are also publications: a) on the regulation of life in the occupied territories according to Russian standards and legislation, b) on new social technologies used in the occupied Ukrainian territories in educational institutions, c) on the formation of Russian national and state identity of residents of illegally annexed regions, etc. <strong>Results.</strong> The primary scientific outcome of the study is the identification of three significant issues in Russian scientific content that global scientific platforms tend to overlook: the recognition of educational institutions in occupied territories as Russian (since 2016, this has appeared in articles indexed in DOAJ, Scopus, and WoS); the indexing of journals registered in the temporarily occupied territories by DOAJ and Index Copernicus; the instrumental role of international scientific publication databases in disseminating anti-democratic ideas and false narratives through such articles. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The authors conclude that without a clear stance from Ukraine's scientific and educational community on this issue and ongoing advocacy for Ukrainian national interests within the international scientific community, there is a risk of harmful ideas detrimental to Ukraine being amplified on an even greater number of international scientific publication aggregators.</p> H. V. TYMOFIEIEVA, T. S. OPRYSHKO, O. I. BULVINSKA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Problems and Prospects of Information Interoperability of Academic Libraries in Central Asia <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state and prospects of information interoperability between academic libraries in Central Asia&nbsp;(CA). <strong>Methods.</strong> Publications on the topic of information and library interoperability, including in CA, have been studied, experience in the area has been analysed and summarized. <strong>Results.</strong> The authors proposed a comprehensive and systematic approach and methods to develop interoperability of academic libraries in CA. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> Summarizing the international experience of interlibrary cooperation at the regional level, it should be recognized that it is successful provided that there is a comprehensive approach to its provision, that is, the relevant bodies for planning, coordinating and monitoring information interoperability should be created and functioning, library personnel with relevant competencies should be trained and involved in the work, the relevant software and hardware and infrastructure should be available.</p> P. M. LAPO, M. A. RAKHMATULLAEV Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 A Call to Serve: Public Librarians and Social Change <p><strong>Objective.</strong> Social change involves events affecting social, cultural, economic, political, and geographical contexts. Among others, public librarians play a crucial role in mediating this change by promoting literacy, reading, and combating misinformation. With this in mind, understanding the public librarians’ lived experiences and insights can further facilitate social change and enhance the librarianship field. The study aims to answer the question, of how public librarians understand and affect social change, based on the lived experiences of Filipino public librarians as information professionals. <strong>Methods.</strong> The Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach was used and a semi-structured interview was conducted to determine the perceptions of two Filipino public librarians on social change. <strong>Results.</strong> The paper showed that public librarians are motivated by their passion for community service. They also believe that education plays a role in social advancement and emphasized the importance of teaching literacy skills and providing learning resources to children. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The paper concludes that these librarians perceive social change as helping people through their advocacies, information services, and library programs.</p> R. R. APOLINARIO, A. AHMAD, I. K. A. KADIR Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Project Solutions for the Successful Implementation of the Strategy of Creating a Consolidated Resource of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The study focuses on the relevance of launching the ResearchUA digital platform based on the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine to form a consolidated scientific information space. <strong>Methods.</strong> The results of the research were obtained thanks to the application of a complex of general and special methods of scientific knowledge, among which systemic and synergistic approaches, structural-functional and descriptive methods, source analysis and synthesis were decisive. <strong>Results.</strong> There is an urgent need to establish a system of informing about academic resources that have been created for more than a hundred years of operation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine has launched the ResearchUA digital platform, which is focused on the development of the electronic research infrastructure of not only the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, but also on the formation of the national digital scientific space, namely the accumulation, integration, effective use of scientific electronic library and information resources and their promotion to modern global digital platforms communications. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> A promising direction for further information and communication activities of academic libraries is to intensify information support for scientific research in Ukraine by promoting the involvement of new forms of digital scientific communication; developing modern models of communication with all subjects of copyright for scientific works; simplifying access to scientific library and information resources; integrating and consolidating scientific library and information resources; introducing digital resources of the national documentary cultural heritage into scientific circulation; monitoring the state and development of scientific research in Ukraine.</p> O. Z. KLYMENKO, O. L. SOKUR Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Driving National R&D: Methodological Insights into Developing a Classifier for the Ukrainian National CRIS System by the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine <p><strong>Objective. </strong>The objective of this study is to develop and characterize a comprehensive classifier for research and development (R&amp;D), which plays a crucial role in the effective implementation of a National Current Research Information System (CRIS). The study aims to address the challenges and methodologies involved in creating a system that categorizes diverse R&amp;D initiatives while ensuring interoperability with existing systems and adaptability to evolving scientific fields. <strong>Methods. </strong>The development of the classifier involved a multi-step process, including consultation with domain experts and reviewing existing classification systems. The study focused on identifying key research areas, ensuring compatibility with international standards, and developing a flexible taxonomy to cover both established and emerging fields. A diagnostic study on CRIS systems in Latin America and insights from similar systems, such as in Croatia and Portugal, were examined to refine the classifier's design for Ukraine. <strong>Results. </strong>The study successfully developed a classifier that addresses the specific needs of the Ukrainian research landscape, particularly within the Ukrainian Information System for Current Research (URIS). The classifier's structure aligns with international standards and supports interoperability with global databases. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of the classifier allows for continuous updates, making it adaptable to new research fields. The classification system was also tailored to accommodate Ukraine’s unique research ecosystem and infrastructure. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>The development of this R&amp;D classifier represents a strategic advancement for Ukraine’s research infrastructure, enhancing data organization, accessibility, and collaboration. By addressing both technical and contextual challenges, the classifier provides a flexible, scalable solution that supports long-term scientific innovation. This study highlights the importance of context-driven approaches in creating effective research management tools, positioning the classifier as a robust framework for future developments in CRIS systems. The State Scientific Technical Library of Ukraine has played a pivotal role in developing this classifier, ensuring it meets the specific needs of the Ukrainian research community.</p> I. O. TSYBENKO, S. V. ZHEREBCHUK, A. P. FEDCHUK Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Changes in the Activities of the Library of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University in the Framework of Open Science <p><strong>Objective. </strong>The article examines the role of modifications in the activities of the Scientific Library of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Yaroslav Mudryi NLU) as a basis for using its innovative potential in promoting the benefits of open science among the academic community, and facilitating the consolidation (unification) of research achievements on topical issues of law. <strong>Methods. </strong>The general scientific methods (analytical, comparative, analysis and synthesis, etc.) were applied, which made it possible to determine the features of structural and functional, reorganizational, resource and service modernization of the library's activities in the implementation of the latest open science technologies.<strong> Results.</strong> The article shows the role of the library as a reliable assistant of the University in the processes of research data exchange, a guarantor of the formation and adaptation of the online environment, resources, bibliometric tools to provide systematic support for research and strengthen communication interaction during remote work in wartime.<strong> Conclusions. </strong>Attention is focused on the need for strategic use of modifications in the library's activities, which allow achieving a balanced combination of open science goals with the modification of the library system and obtaining a synergistic effect within the research infrastructure of the University.</p> N. P. PASMOR, M. O. SHEVCHENKO, J. V. PASMOR Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Digital Curation: Opportunities and Challenges for Ukrainian Libraries <p><strong>Objective</strong>. Today digital landscape continues to evolve rapidly, presenting libraries with the dual challenge of not only preserving digital content but also curating it. This is particularly pertinent given the needs of open science and open data, which emphasize searchability, accessibility, interoperability, and reuse (FAIR principles). <strong>Methods</strong> include a critical review of domestic and international publications on digital curation, official documents, and websites of Ukrainian libraries dedicated to open research data. <strong>Results.</strong> The current challenges necessitate the development of effective library strategies for digital curation and research data management and the enhancement of librarians' relevant skills through library education and lifelong learning. The paper examines key global trends in digital curation and explores the prospects for implementing these practices in Ukrainian libraries, especially in light of the National Open Science Plan and increased access to research data. The study argues that engagement in and leadership of digital curation practices could significantly transform the role, perception, and identity of academic libraries, thereby enhancing their ongoing relevance to research communities. Additionally, it emphasizes the necessity of advancing librarians' skills and competencies in digital curation and considers the complexities of collaborating with scholars in this context. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The study's findings highlight the need to comprehensively consider digital curation as a new library function. It also underscores the role of university libraries in coordinating and advocating for these efforts at the institutional level. Additionally, it suggests the introduction of digital curation as a specialization within the library field, with roles such as data librarian (data curator) who could participate in research groups focused on data management.The article also concludes with an agenda for future research.</p> T. О. YAROSHENKO, O. I. IAROSHENKO Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Digital Awareness, Digital Literacy Skills, and Digital Proficiency of Librarians in Qatar National Library <p><strong>Objective. </strong>This study aims to determine the level of digital awareness, literacy, and proficiency among librarians in Qatar National Library. It seeks to explore the relationship between these variables and how they contribute to service delivery. Additionally, the study aims to formulate an action plan to improve librarians’ digital skills, particularly in digital preservation, digitization, and online services. <strong>Methods.</strong> The study employed a descriptive-correlational survey method to gather data from selected librarians at Qatar National Library. A structured questionnaire was distributed to assess the respondents' digital awareness, literacy, and proficiency levels. The results were analysed using weighted mean averages and correlation tests to establish the relationships between these variables. <strong>Results.</strong> The findings revealed that the librarians had a very high level of digital awareness (mean of 3.29), digital literacy (mean of 3.29), and digital proficiency (mean of 3.25). Significant relationships were found between digital awareness and literacy, digital literacy and proficiency, and digital awareness and proficiency. These results indicate that the more aware librarians are of digital technologies, the more proficient they become in applying these skills in library services. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> Librarians at Qatar National Library are highly aware of and skilled in digital technologies, with a strong correlation between awareness, literacy, and proficiency. However, there remains room for growth in areas such as digitization and digital preservation. Action plans should focus on continuous digital skill development to keep pace with emerging technologies.</p> M. L. CONTRERAS, M. L. D. MASALINTO, E. D. MALABANAN, M. R. V. NAVARRO Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Ways of Development of the National Electronic Scientific Information System as a Tool for Implementing the State Open Science Policy in Ukraine <p><strong>Objective.</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Since 2020, Ukraine has been developing the National Electronic Scientific Information System (URIS). The creation and development of URIS were initially guided by a specific Concept, whose implementation timeline has now concluded. However, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine mandated that work on URIS should continue. Consequently, there is a need to develop a new concept and identify the future directions for this scientific information system. Current research has emphasized the necessity of implementing the open science paradigm and highlighted the role of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) in this process. There is a specific need to establish the development directions for URIS as a unique type of such system. The aim is to explore the prospective directions for the development of the National Electronic Scientific Information System "URIS," detailing the pathways for its growth and integrating new functions to fully implement the principles of open science in Ukraine. </span><strong>Methods.</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> The study employed methods of theoretical generalization of normative and analytical data, as well as statistical and comparative analysis of the obtained scientific information. </span><strong>Results. </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">The study identified seven directions with specific implementation paths: developing new functional modules for URIS, ensuring the comprehensive inclusion of priority information resources within URIS, providing Ukrainian scientists, research institutions, and higher education institutions with a digital tool, enabling ongoing communication with the scientific community and business representatives, identifying shortcomings in existing legal acts, creating conditions to overcome the dispersion of financial resources, accounting for losses in Ukrainian research infrastructure due to Russian military aggression. The URIS serves as a multifunctional platform for collecting, processing, and disseminating data related to scientific activities in Ukraine. Developed by the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine, URIS aims to integrate and present aggregated data from various research institutions and universities, thereby enhancing the visibility of Ukrainian research on a global scale. This paper discusses the importance of URIS in supporting academic and research libraries, emphasizing the role of the library's experts in implementing the project. </span><strong>Conclusions. </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">The development and improvement of URIS should lead to a significant reduction in the use of paper for various documents, offering interested individuals and organizations a wide range of digital tools for quick and continuous access to research data, information, and services related to the field of science. The full implementation of this project will enhance the visibility of Ukrainian scientists and research infrastructures both within Ukraine and for interested researchers and institutions in Europe and globally. Scope of Application of Research Results. The development of URIS will support the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in fulfilling the national plan for open science and accelerating Ukraine's integration into the European Research Area. The successful implementation of URIS demonstrates the vital role of academic and research libraries in the digital age. The expertise of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine has been instrumental in advancing the goals of URIS, which aims to enhance the quality and visibility of Ukrainian research both nationally and internationally.</span></p> A. H. ZHARINOVA, S. S. ZHARINOV, Y. V. RYBALKO Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Experience of Implementing Assistive Technologies in Ukrainian and Foreign Document and Information Structures <p><strong>Objective</strong>. The article examines the global experience of digital inclusion and the state of the creation of information spaces for people with special needs in leading document and information institutions of society. <strong>Methods</strong>. The research was conducted based on content analysis of 20 sites of US academic libraries and webometric analysis of 41 sites of Ukrainian document and information structures (libraries, archives, and museums) using the "Web Accessibility Checker" functionality. Monitoring of library sites was carried out during May 2024. <strong>Results</strong>. The conducted analysis proved that today digital inclusion in document and information institutions of libraries in the USA, Great Britain, and France is aimed at overcoming the lack of information resources for different groups of users, introducing computers with special software and assistive technologies for people with disabilities, and creating comfortable information space. This activity is only a desirable prospect for Ukraine's libraries, although work in this direction is unfolding. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. A conclusion was made regarding the importance of implementing assistive technologies in document and information structures and ensuring comfortable access to information for various categories of users, including those with special educational needs and people with disabilities. The development of digital inclusion and the creation of specialized products and services for special users is a strategic direction of the development of document and information institutions. Libraries are leaders in implementing and using assistive technologies among various document and information institutions. Compared to museums and archives, they have the greatest experience in serving users with disabilities and the most powerful potential for developing social inclusion and embodying diversity in the digital environment.</p> N. S. TIURKEDZHY, O. YU. MARINA, I. O. DAVYDOVA, S. O. MARIN Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Implementation of Open Science Practices: Experience of the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The scientific publication aims to analyse the possibilities of integrating library collections into the open science infrastructure and demonstrate the achievements of the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine in this direction. <strong>Methods.</strong> A comprehensive analysis was applied with elements of a systems approach and comparison to achieve the stated goal. <strong>Results.</strong> The article describes how the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine uses modern technologies and tools to create and maintain an open science infrastructure. The library ensures effective search, access, and reuse of scientific data by using the Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Handling (OAI-PMH) protocol, developing its own repositories, and integrating with international platforms. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine has an ambitious plan to make its treasures of knowledge – electronic resources collections – even more accessible to the global scientific community. Due to the right strategy for integration into the open science infrastructure, these resources have the potential to significantly enrich the global scientific discourse.</p> T. V. SYMONENKO, V. M. ZAYIKA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Accessibility of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library for Students with Disabilities: An Evaluation <p><strong>Objective</strong>. This research aims to identify the accessibility of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library for users with disabilities to uncover the gap between the standard of library services for people with disabilities and the condition of the library to support an accessible environment. <strong>Methods</strong>. This research applies qualitative methods to explore the accessibility of library services for users with disabilities using the IFLA checklist, a standard for providing library services for people with disabilities consisting of 3 main areas; physical access, media format, and service and communication. <strong>Results</strong>. UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library has met the most of criteria for providing services for users with disabilities. Physical access covering the area outside the library, entry to the library and access to library collections and services, is largely in accordance with the standard. However, the absence of an elevator prevents users with wheelchairs from accessing to upper floor in which the library collections are stored which means that access to library collections is hindered. To address this problem, the library provides the <em>Difable Corner</em>, a department for users of all types of disabilities. The research also found that for library collections, the library provides more for the blind, while for the deaf it is still not maximized. Therefore, the library, in collaboration with the Center for Disabilities Service provides volunteers to students for whom inclusion requirements have not yet been met. <strong>Conclusion</strong>. Being under the parent institution that promotes inclusive value requires UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library to provide an inclusive environment that welcomes all users regardless of their abilities. The library has made some effort to fulfill the standards for providing a library for the disabled. The gap between ideal standards and real conditions in the library related to accessibility for the disabled can be taken into consideration to improve inclusive-based library services.</p> MARWIYAH MARWIYAH, LABIBAH ZAIN, ASRI YUNA CHASANAWATI, KHUSNUL KHOTIMAH Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Improving the Inclusive Information Space: Introducing Chatbots into the Work of Academic Libraries <p><strong>Objective. </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of the publication is to study the possibilities of using chatbots as one of the tools for developing an inclusive environment in an academic library. </span><strong>Methods.</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> The study analyzed international experience and software for creating AI-based chatbots.</span><strong> Results.</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> An academic library can use open-source software to create chatbots, but this method will require significant resources. An alternative is commercial services, which are quite easy to use but require monthly funding. </span><strong>Conclusions.</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Chatbot is a very promising direction for building an inclusive direction, and each library can choose how to create and use it according to its needs.</span></p> O. A. SHEVCHUK, A. A. SALTYKOVA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Ukrainian Databases as a Competitive Alternative to International Databases <p><strong>Objective.</strong> To assess the potential of modern Ukrainian open-access databases initiated by national or technical libraries as a viable alternative to international commercial and open databases for retrieving metadata on periodicals and their articles, including Ukrainian scholarly journals.&nbsp;<strong>Methods.</strong> The study involved the analysis of databases such as Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection, OpenAlex, "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" (developed by the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine), "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" (developed by the Association of Users of Ukrainian Research and Academic Network), Open Ukrainian Citation Index, Ukrainian Research Information System, and "Ukrainian Scientific Periodicals." A tabular method (three comparative tables were developed), analytical methods (quantitative and qualitative analysis), and statistical methods were applied.&nbsp;<strong>Results.</strong> It was found that the completeness of metadata representation varies depending on the resource. Commercial databases like Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection offer the most comprehensive metadata, while Ukrainian resources provide unique data relevant to Ukraine, including information on state registration, knowledge categories, and specializations aligned with Ukrainian regulatory documents.&nbsp;<strong>Conclusions.</strong> Ukrainian databases developed by national or technical libraries are continuously improving and have the potential to serve as an effective alternative to international commercial databases due to their free access, unique data, and extensive coverage of national scholarly periodicals. Although they cannot fully replace databases like Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection, their combined use holds promise. Given the challenges related to the high subscription costs and content quality in commercial databases, Ukrainian resources have the potential for further development within the global movement towards open science.</p> M. A. TSIURA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Biobibliographic Indexes of Scholarly Publications as a Source of Information about the Biographies and Intellectual Heritage of Previous Generations of Scientists <p><strong>Objective.</strong> Biobibliographic indexes of scientists’ scholarly publications who worked in a particular educational institution or research institute in the twentieth century are an important source of information about the intellectual heritage of previous generations of scholars. One of the main tasks of scientific library workers is to compile the indicated indexes. While performing such work, it is worth taking into account not only purely scientists’ scholarly publications but also materials from local periodicals. This will allow for a more voluminous imagination concerning the heritage of this or that scientist. It should be especially emphasizing the critically small number of Ukrainian-language scholarly publications in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (1922–1991), which was due to the state policy of linguicide. This is precisely the focus of the proposed article. <strong>Methods</strong>. During the processing of the information array, the authors used methods of content- and bibliographic analysis, and synthesis to separate relevant information from unnecessary (so-called information noise). <strong>Results.</strong> We analysed more than 75 thousand local periodicals of the Dnieper region for the period 1945–2020, which are in the Scientific Library of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies and the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Scientific Library named after the First Slavic Teachers Cyril and Methodius, with the aim of in-depth study of the intellectual achievements of Academician Kirill Fedorovych Starodubov. The work was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the scientist's birth, which fell on April 19, 2024. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The versatility of Academician Starodubov's creative nature is evident in his heritage as a popularizer of science and an outstanding public figure with an indefatigable temperament. This is evidenced by about 520 sources that were included in the biobibliographic index of the scientist's works from 1928 to 2023. Moreover, a separate array of processed sources is the works of the academician's students and followers, in which they respectfully mention their teacher.</p> M. A. MYRONENKO Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Sources of Up-to-Date Information of the University Library during the Full-Scale Russian Invasion of Ukraine <p><strong>Objective</strong><strong>.</strong> The article aims to highlight the peculiarities of the acquisition process of a university research library in wartime and the qualitative satisfaction of readers' requests with the help of stock collections. The object of the study is the books and journals added to the university's library collections in 2022-2024. The new acquisitions were analysed by type, subject, publisher and source. <strong>Methods.</strong> To create a holistic picture of the development of the library's documentary resource over time, the analytical-synthetic, systemic-structural, comparative and statistical research methods were used. <strong>Results.</strong> The results of the study indicate that the selection and analysis of the university library's acquisitions during the war proves the primary importance of replenishing the book collection with Ukrainian-language multidisciplinary sources of relevant information. This contributes to the quality information support of the educational process and scientific activity in full. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>Despite the difficulties, library collections as an information system are developing and updating. The analysis allowed us to present a picture of the state of Ukrainian publishing and strong support for university libraries.</p> L. M. LUCHKA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Scientific Schools of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture through the Prism of Google Academy Scientometrics <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The article aims to highlight the role and importance of officially recognized scientific schools at the Kharkiv State Academy of Documentary and Information Culture using data from Google Scholar. The research was conducted during July-August 2024. <strong>Methods.</strong> The study employs scientometric analysis as the main method for determining the current state of science and technology in the field of social communications, alongside methods of analysis and synthesis. The analysis method was used to study the scientific literature on the research topic, the professional development path of the leaders of the scientific schools of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, and the terms used in the study. The synthesis method was used to write the conclusions of the research. <strong>Results. </strong>The results of the analysis of scientometric profiles of the leaders of these scientific schools in Google Scholar are presented. The study also establishes the expediency of using scientometric analysis of profiles in Google Scholar to determine the state and trends in the development of scientific fields and industries. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>The article demonstrates the potential of analyzing scientometric profiles of researchers in Google Scholar to assess their overall scientific productivity and the nuances of achievements at different stages of research activities in the field of social communications.</p> O. M. KOBIELIEV, O. O. KARPENKO Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Turning Open Access to Reality: The Case of Lithuania <p><strong>Objective:</strong> This article aims to estimate the changes in the number of open access publications by Lithuanian authors at the national level, based on institutional publication data, as well as the impact of open access policies at the national and institutional levels on these changes. <strong>Methods:</strong> bibliometric analysis of scientific publications in the databases <em>Scopus</em> and Web of Science was carried out to assess the open access publications of Lithuanian authors and their changes over ten years. <strong>Results.</strong> Lithuanian author's publications from 2014 to 2023 by open access status increased by almost 33% (WoS) and 31% (<em>Scopus</em>), whereas the share of open access publications funded by the Research Council of Lithuania increased by 24% (WoS) and 37% (<em>Scopus</em>); the share of open access publications by authors from Kaunas University of Technology increased by 31% (WoS) and 26% (Scopus). When analyzing OA publications by open access mode, it is observed that the largest percentage of OA publications are Gold Access and Green Access publications. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> Lithuanian authors publish OA not only because of institutional and national funders policies but also by international funders, including EC, requirements on OA. When open access policies are guidelines, they have less impact than in those cases when they are mandatory. To measure authors' publications on the national scope, there is a need for metrics and tools to track all publications by Lithuanian authors.</p> G. TAUTKEVICIENE Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Library as a space for inclusivity and dialogue: experience of transforming Polish libraries on the border of centuries <p><strong>Objective</strong><strong>. </strong>The research aims to analyze the transformations that took place in the Polish system of public libraries in the late 1980s – the early 2000s. <strong>Methods.</strong> Regarding methodology, the authors handle the concept of “the library” as “the meeting-place”, which presents an interpretation of conclusions made by Emmanuel Levinas, one of the classics of the philosophy of dialogue. <strong>Results.</strong> The results of the research evidence the concentration of efforts exerted by Polish librarians on the creation of pro-community libraries not meeting the community’s informational needs alone but being the hubs of dialogical interaction of various social groups. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The conclusions outline the modern Polish libraries’ tending to expand the range of services provided for readers, taking into consideration severe competition among cultural institutions. The authors have proposed several promising strategies for further study of the problem range. These strategies are determined by the necessity of researching the title based on a broader background to the development of the librarianship theory in the countries of Western Europe and North America.</p> I. O. PETROVA, YE. S. HORB Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Impact of Information Disorders in Librarians’ Community <p><strong>Objective.</strong> Librarians' role is crucial in combating information disorders. Their ability to identify false information is a core professional competency. As librarians refine their professional identities, they also cultivate a robust knowledge practice. This paper delves into the impact of information disorders on the librarian community. <strong>Methods.</strong> A group of Filipino public librarians were interviewed to understand the librarians' perceptions of the severity and impact of information disorders on their communities. <strong>Results.</strong> After careful analysis of qualitative data, five themes emerged including credibility threat, detrimental information, unfounded claims, manipulation of information, and promotion of truthful information. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> Information disorders pose a serious threat to librarians and the public. Malicious actors exploit these to manipulate public opinion, leading to fraud and false expertise. Librarians can counter these threats by sharing credible resources. They can also address the crisis of credibility by sharing expert advice and advocating for the value of accurate information.</p> J. M. YAP, A. HAJDU BARAT, P. KISZL Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 University Library as a Health Promotion Centre in Ukraine <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The article presents the potential of the university library to promote health in Ukraine. The article aims to highlight the features and opportunities of the University library's activities aimed at promoting health and well-being in conditions of uncertainty. <strong>Methods.</strong> To achieve this goal, the methods of analysis and synthesis, web monitoring, and the basics of the socio-communication approach were used. <strong>Results. </strong>At present, university libraries have not realised significant opportunities to promote the spiritual, mental, physical and social health of the university community both offline and online. The premises of university libraries, which can combine the functions of a reading room, a health promotion centre and a safe place, a bomb shelter, remain underutilised. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>There is an urgent need to develop an appropriate strategy for university libraries to implement a programme to promote the health and well-being of the educational community, which will have a long-term positive effect.</p> O. O. SHEMAIEV Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Contribution of Academic Libraries to Advancing Open Data and Open Science: Importance, Advantages and Suggestions (Strategy and Priorities of Use) <p><strong>Objective. </strong>The article is devoted to the study of the role of academic libraries in the advancing of the ecosystem of open science by foreign and domestic authors of the university community.<strong> Methods. </strong>The following general scientific methods were used in the research: generalization, analysis, and systematic approach. <strong>Results.</strong> The basis of the promotion of open science is open data and open access, which forms an Open Ecosystem of Scientific Research. This requires the transformation of academic libraries of Ukraine, in particular university libraries, with a change in qualification level of library specialists and technical personnel to assist in the development of resource and information innovations of libraries when using various PIDs (Persistent identifiers). <strong>Conclusions. </strong>For the scientific community of Ukraine, the Strategy of Open Science is being formed, the implementation and promotion of which will largely depend on the experience of specialists of academic libraries with the support of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine (SSTL of Ukraine). The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES of Ukraine) prioritizes the use of international experience in promoting open data and open science, where academic libraries play a leading role.</p> M. M. KULYK Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Developments of Teaching Library, Information and Digital Archiving Sciences in Jordan: Al-Hussein Bin Talal University as a Case Study <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The study sought to examine the progress of teaching library and information science in several Jordanian universities from their establishment till the present (1921–2022). The study aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the development and challenges faced by library and information science programs in Jordan, specifically focusing on the Bachelor's and Master’s Degree programs offered by the Department of Library and Information Technology (DLIT) at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University. <strong>Methods.</strong> The study employed a descriptive and content analysis methodology to examine the initial stages of establishing the first professional program in teaching library and information science in the late 1970s. The analysis focused on developing the newly created master's program in Information Management and Digital Archiving within the Department of Library and Information Technology in the Faculty of Arts at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University.<strong> Results.</strong> That academic programs of the four universities lack collaboration and synchronization in enhancing their curricula and teaching methodologies. Currently, there is a lack of sufficient, contemporary, and thorough research or study on the significance of this problem within the higher education system. There is a requirement for greater collaboration and organization among faculty members in Jordan's four universities to evaluate the current situation and propose more efficient approaches to improve teaching in libraries, information, documentation, and digital archiving. In the fields of library, information, and digital archiving the sciences in Jordan are always developing and improving. The Department of Library and Information Technology at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University is experiencing notable progress in its programs to align with the era of information technology.<strong> Conclusions</strong><strong>. </strong>The primary objective of every academic program should be to bridge the disparity between the requirements and competencies of library professionals while considering the pertinent and up-to-date advancements in information technology, telecommunications, and digital transformation.</p> SERHAN A. AL TAWALBEH, RAID J. SULEIMAN, MUSTAFA H. AHMED Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries: Foreign and Ukrainian Experience <p><strong>The objective</strong> is to determine the direction of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in the activities of foreign and domestic academic libraries. <strong>Methods.</strong> The research is based on a combination of the method of analyzing the content of publications with the methods of systematization, generalization, surveying employees of academic libraries in Ukraine, and the method of comparative analysis. <strong>Results</strong>. It was found that the general directions for practical application of AI technologies in academic libraries of foreign and Ukrainian countries are: training, reference work, intelligent user service, and&nbsp;collection management. The main direction of the ChatGPT application is: to study this tool, and&nbsp;its&nbsp;application in reference and advertising activities. It was established that in libraries of foreign universities, the following are being initiated: the creation of intellectual spaces (USA); the use of robotics (Canada, China); and the formation of a smart library (USA, China). <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The importance of implementing AI technologies in the activities of academic libraries, which create new opportunities for scientific research and education, is confirmed. At the same time, the research confirms the insufficient level of AI implementation by university libraries to provide innovative alternative services. It is urgent to develop a strategy for the university library regarding implementing AI technologies and developing employees' relevant competencies.</p> H. V. SHEMAIEVA, T. M. KOSTYRKO, A. E. PRILUTSKA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Transforming Libraries into Inclusive Spaces: The Paradigm and Functions of Living Collection in Academic Library of Indonesia <p><strong>Objective.</strong> This research aims to understand the paradigm underlying the implementation of living collection services and the functions of living collection presented at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University library. <strong>Method.</strong> This research uses qualitative methods, with collecting the data through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed by performing data reduction. After that, the data is presented in the form of text, images, and tables, followed by drawing conclusions related to the research questions. <strong>Result.</strong> The research results show that the living collection at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University library refers to inclusive and knowledge management paradigm. The inclusive paradigm helps libraries strive for the dissemination of information to all users without exception, while the knowledge management paradigm allows libraries to manage and maintain rare information that can be accessed into the future. Living Collection as inclusive service present any functions namely educational, information, preservation, research, and recreational functions. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> By using an inclusive and knowledge management paradigm, living collections represent many functions that help libraries transforming new face to become inclusive-based libraries that can be enjoyed by all communities.</p> F. A. FIRDAUS, A. F. SAUFA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Developing a Sense of Community in the Activities of the University Library of Ukraine in Wartime (on the Example of the Scientific Library of USUST) <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The authors believe that during the crisis of the highest level, associated with the threat to human life and health, the socio-cultural aspects of the activities of libraries of higher education institutions are important for different countries and require more detailed study. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the practices of developing a sense of community in the socio-cultural activities of a university library in Ukraine in wartime (on the example of the Scientific library of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies). <strong>Methods.</strong> The article is based on self-reflection, direct experiences and crisis experience of the authors in organising and conducting library leisure activities for students at the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (USUST) (Dnipro, Ukraine). The work uses a combination of research approaches and methods: to determine the state of development of the scientific problem, the author used a source search and analysis of relevant publications on the topic of the study; a comparative approach – to compare the similarities and differences in the main functions of university libraries in Ukraine and abroad; the method of observation – to determine the features of various library activities aimed at developing a sense of community among students. <strong>Results.</strong> The crisis experience of wartime librarians demonstrates the ability to quickly replace (despite narrow specialisation in peacetime) and unite colleagues, the ability to integrate cultural and social activities into a single process, simultaneous involvement in various types and forms of professional activities aimed at communities of students, teachers, researchers, and the public. The article presents a fairly wide landscape of leisure practices in the socio-cultural work of the university library of USUST in the frontline city of Dnipro, which allows students, teachers and their children to escape from the already everyday and familiar danger. Librarians help students to restore a sense of unity, cohesion, community, a sense of “I am not alone” and “together we are many”, even when they are often physically separated. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> Community has become a phenomenon that represents Ukrainian spirituality, humanity, dignity and resilience. The activities of university libraries aimed at developing community are especially important for those countries that are experiencing social and political transformations as a result of military conflicts.</p> T. O. KOLESNYKOVA, M. M. DEMIDKO Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 'Library' in the Language Consciousness of Modern Students: from a Book Depository to a Cultural and Educational Hub (Based on a Free Associative Experiment) <p><strong>Objective</strong>. The purpose of the given paper is to record modern students’ perception and interpretation of the <em>library</em> phenomenon, build associative field of the considered stimulus word, and analyze it in details. Basic options for the traditional and updated contextual compatibility of the lexeme <em>library</em> as an educational center, modern enlightening and cultural hub were presented and described in the article. <strong>Methods.</strong> In order to achieve the stated goal free associative experiment was conducted. General scientific methods of observation, comparison, generalization, description and systematization, as well as linguistic methods of linguistic observation and description were also utilized. <strong>Results</strong>. The results illustrate expansion of the connecting possibilities of the lexeme <em>library</em> and the transformation in its perception by Ukrainian and foreign students. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The study proves that the interpretation of the <em>library</em> phenomenon by modern students doesn’t contradict codified meaning of the lexeme under consideration. <em>Library</em> is associated with learning, reading literature, acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, the concept of the library has been expanded to correlate it with a renewed space for studying, spending free time, holidays, organizing events, and communicating with acquaintances.</p> M. M. ZHOVNIR, T. O. LESHCHENKO Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 The Role and Place of the Library as an Information Centre in the Process of Learning Foreign Languages <p>This paper provides an overview of the importance and place of the library in foreign language learning. <strong>Objective</strong>. The purpose of the article is to study the role and place of the Scientific Library of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv as an information centre in the process of learning foreign languages. <strong>Methods</strong>. The paper uses a set of theoretical research methods, in particular: analysis, synthesis, generalisation, abstraction, interpretation, as well as comparative, descriptive and comparison methods. <strong>Results</strong>. The results of this research, as well as the conclusions drawn on their basis, are of practical value for lecturers, teachers and students interested in using libraries to improve the process of learning foreign languages. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The study has shown that modern libraries are powerful information centres that not only create a comfortable environment for the cultural development of students, but also for their educational development, including when learning foreign languages.</p> A. R. ZHUKOVA Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Competences of Librarians in Performing Different Roles in Citizen Science Projects <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The objective of this article is to explore the skills of librarians in academic and public libraries as they engage in diverse roles within citizen science. <strong>Methods</strong><strong>.</strong> The method of this research was focus group discussions to determine the competences required by public and academic librarians for citizen science and the best ways to cultivate these skills. <strong>Results.</strong> The results of the group discussion revealed that libraries are primarily seen as facilitators of citizen science, focusing on organising communication and information sharing, delivering training and coordinating other related activities. Librarians require a range of skills, including organisational, communication, educational, public speaking / knowledge transfer, information and digital literacy, and analytical abilities along with more specific research skills. When initiating projects, librarians also need expertise in the relevant scientific field, project writing, team management, and financial literacy. Differences between academic and public librarians were noted, based on the specific activities they engage in and the communities they serve. <strong>Conclusions.</strong>&nbsp;Librarians are well positioned to serve as facilitators of citizen science by fostering community engagement, nurturing relationships and providing essential resources that support research and foster public participation. However, many librarians currently lack sufficient knowledge, understanding and motivation to engage in citizen science activities. Although librarians already possess many of the core competences needed for citizen science activities, these skills must be tailored specifically to citizen science contexts, continuously updated and supplemented with specialised competences that are not typically found in library settings. Librarians can acquire these skills by actively participating in citizen science projects and learning from experienced colleagues, as well as through training programmes or self-directed online learning.</p> G. TAUTKEVICIENE, A. PRANCKUTE Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 New Roles of a Librarian: The Experience of Grinchenko University <p><strong>Objective.</strong> The article considers the transformation of the roles of librarians in the modern information society: from information providers to educators, which is a sign of the successful process of internationalization of higher education. The object of the research is the new forms of work of librarians on the example of the experience of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University and the First Summer School for Beginners and Experienced Scientists “Scientific Career at the International Level: Tools for Researchers and the English Language” held in June 2024. <strong>Methods</strong><strong>.</strong> The methods of marketing and monitoring research are described to determine the most popular topics and emotionally attractive names among the target audience. <strong>Results.</strong> The results and their discussion focus on the fact that the experience of the Grinchenko University Summer School showed the possibility of high-quality training and advanced training of scientists of different levels and fields of knowledge on the basis of the library of the higher education institution. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The change in the role of librarians from information providers to educators in the context of internationalization of higher education is inevitable. Moreover, librarians are forced to be one step ahead of the rest of the university's scientists.</p> T. S. OPRYSHKO Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200