book exchange, libraries of educational institution, societies, Katerinoslav Governorate, Dnipropetrovsk regionAbstract
Objective. The purpose of the article is to highlight book exchange as an important source of book acquisition process in the libraries of Katerinoslav - Dnipropetrovsk. The object is libraries of different subordination as a system of collection-forming documents. Methods. Analytical-synthetic, system-structural, comparative and statistical methods are used during the research in accordance with the task. Results. The author revealed the peculiarities of book exchange process in the libraries of educational institutions, scientific societies of Katerynoslavshchyna. The exchange of publications with Kyiv, Galician and Lviv institutions is proved to be useful and important. The author retraced process of cooperation of city public libraries on local literature acquisition. Libraries and reading rooms of higher, secondary and lower agricultural educational institutions received professional publications of Katerinoslav societies free of charge. The article gives a picture of the current state of document exchange in the libraries of Dnipropetrovsk region. The constant source of library acquisition is territorial and domestic professional book exchange. Conclusions. Book exchange is an important component of the process of acquisition of high quality stock in Ukrainian libraries. This prprocess was actively carried out by Katerinoslav libraries in the 19th - early 20th centuries. Throughout history the book exchange has proven to be a necessary and useful source of acquisition and high quality service in the implementation of complex reader requests. Document exchange in the 21st century in Dnipropetrovsk region is changing its format (transition to e-resources), but remains an important source in the process of creating high quality collections.
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