About the Journal

The journal is a peer-reviewed edition that supports a policy of open access to scientific publications and publishers articles  under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Year of foundation: 2010

Field of science and issues in focus: Journal of Conference proceedings depict the latest achievements in the research of library and information science - revealing emerging trends and new ideas before they appear in journals. Journal of Conference proceedings offer broad coverage of new ideas, methodologies and projects in fast-moving areas of research related to the activity of university libraries in education, science and culture.

ІSSN 2707-0476 (Online)

The journal is registered:
- with the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting № 2013 dated 13.06.2024. Media identifier: R40-05245 (Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 2013 dated 13.06.2024).

 We are indexed and listed in:  The International Catalogue of periodicals UlrichswebTM Global Serials Directory, databases Crossref, Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI), Google Scholar, Zenodo, DOAJ, Scopus, ERIH PLUS.

Frequency: Once per year (December)

Language of publication: English, Ukrainian (in mixed languages)

Founder: Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Address of editorial office: Lazaryana St., 2, room 267, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010

Phone: +38 (056) 371-51-05,

Email: unilibnsd.journal@ust.edu.ua; chief.library@gmail.com

See details


Current Issue

No. 9 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-28


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