Design of Annotated Bibliography of Traditional Medicine in West Java, Indonesia




traditional medicine, medicinal plants, annotated bibliography of traditional medicine


Objective. The existence of traditional medicine, especially in the province of West Java, Indonesia, has been recognized and has been used by the general public, one of which concerns the traditional medicine. West Java is one of the largest provinces in Indonesia which has many medicinal plants. The purpose of this study is to create an information package that stores various sources of information related to traditional medicine in West Java by designing an annotated bibliography of traditional medicine in West Java. Methods. The research method used is action research method. The stages of action research used are planning, action, evaluation, reflection, and the process of publishing book products. Results. The results obtained are the stages of action in accordance with the stages of the plan for the annotated bibliographic manuscript to be printed as a book that can be tested by experts with a questionnaire containing suggestions. After being tested and corrected, the contents of the book were then tested publicly with a background in health sciences, information science, and libraries, as well as people who use traditional medicine in West Java by means of a questionnaire containing an assessment. Conclusions. The results of the public test are above 89%, which means the book product is feasible and can be published as an annotated bibliographic book related to traditional medicine.

Author Biographies

N. A. MAHARANI, Padjadjaran University (Sumedang, Indonesia)

Nadine Aisha Maharani

W. ERWINA, Padjadjaran University (Sumedang, Indonesia),

Wina Erwina,
Department of Library and Information Science


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How to Cite

MAHARANI, N. A., & ERWINA, W. (2022). Design of Annotated Bibliography of Traditional Medicine in West Java, Indonesia. University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (7), 21–28.

