Poetry as a Resource for Restoring Emotional Balance
wartime poetry, amateur poetry, creativity of university communities, Ukrainian librarians, emotional balance, poetry therapy, war in UkraineAbstract
Objective. The article is aimed at analyzing the poetic experience of amateurs, members of the community of Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav (HSUP), as an effective psychotherapeutic method of restoring emotional balance during the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine; considering the participation of librarians of other higher education institutions of Ukraine in poetry during wartime. Methods. The experience of amateur poets birthed through pain, love, suffering, care during March-October 2022, in the period of Russian-Ukrainian war, is analyzed in the context of poetry therapy as a resource for restoring emotional balance and vital energy. Results. Creation of author’s poems, including amateur texts, gives us the opportunity to fantasize, develop our hidden abilities, as well as to read and communicate with other like-minded people. This is clearly demonstrated in the work of wartime by students, teachers, and librarians. Conclusions. Every creative person shows pain in their own format available to them. In this way of self-healing, a person becomes calmer, restores the mental atmosphere, meets their inner “I.”
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