Theatrical Periodical Publications in the Bibliographic Dimension of Ukraine: Thematic and Cultural Orientations
art media, theatrical periodicals, journalism, genres, library, cultural spaceAbstract
Objective. Theater art today is a self-sufficient creative substance with a special metaphorical language. The scenic meaning of human existence is organically interpreted on the pages of unique periodical publications of the beginning of the 20th century, which were printed in the largest Ukrainian cities. The continuation of the tradition of publishing theatrical periodicals is observed at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. It is presented by specialized magazines "Kino-teatr [Cinema-Theatre]", "Ukrainian Theater", "Teatralna besida [Theatrical Conversation]" and others. Methods. Inductive-deductive, systemic, semiotic methods of research of scientific material and elements of cultural studies of mass media are applied. Results. Theatrical periodicals of Ukraine of the 20th and 21st centuries, which are found in the collections of the libraries of Kyiv, Dnipro, Lviv, and Kharkiv, have been analyzed. Their role in the creation of the socio-cultural space of Ukraine is studied, and the genre-thematic potential and cultural content are considered. Conclusions. Theatrical periodicals of the XX-XXI centuries. is characterized by a multi-genre presentation of the theatrical life of its time, and journalistic originality. This allows creative use of its potential in library activities as a cultural marker of time.
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