About Social Communications of Nazarbayev University Library





academic librarianship, library, social communication, social functions of library, humanistic mission, history of librarianship


Objective. The purpose of the article is a systematic analysis of social communications of Nazarbayev University Library based on an analysis of the structure of the social communication as a system and the factors determining its formation and development. Methods. For a comprehensive analysis of such a complex phenomenon of social life as social communication, its interpretations in the Western and post-Soviet traditions, as well as such a concept in sociology as social space (social field), which defines the mission of the library as an institution of society are considered. Results. It is noted that the purpose and goals of social communication of an academic library are determined by the mission of the library as an institution of society in specific social time and space, as well as the mission of the university with which the library is affiliated. Conclusions. Typically, an academic library has three main areas of social communication: 1) the university community; 2) the professional library community at the national, regional, and international levels; 3) the public community with which the library interacts to popularize reading, promote universal values and ethical standards, develop critical thinking, media and information literacy (culture).

Author Biography

P. M. LAPO, Nazarbayev University (Astana, The Republic of Kazakhstan)

Piotr Lapo,
General Expert


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How to Cite

LAPO, P. M. (2023). About Social Communications of Nazarbayev University Library. University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (8), 119–125. https://doi.org/10.15802/unilib/2023_293039

