Communication Aspects of Media, Publishing, and Editorial Activities of University Libraries
media activities of libraries, publishing activities of libraries, media products of a university library, media communications in a libraryAbstract
Objective. The communication aspects of media, publishing, and editorial activities of university libraries were studied based on their official websites and the experience of the Scientific Library of the Drahomanov Ukrainian State University. The objective of this study is to track new trends in the library's media and communication activities. Methods. The methods used were observation, description, analysis and comparison of the content of the websites of Ukrainian and foreign libraries, as well as questionnaires and interviews with university stakeholders related to media activities. Results. The survey showed that the interaction of libraries with the media in the areas of information, consulting, providing factual and bibliographic references, access to collections and a pool of experts in various fields, and various educational events is in high demand. The means of popularizing and distributing their own media content are also common to libraries and media. Conclusions. University libraries should intensify their work with media and publishers on parity and mutually beneficial terms. Since the library in modern conditions produces and offers its own media products to the general public, the mass audience, it should also use the work methods of publishers and editorial offices with different groups of readers.
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