International Cooperation in the Sphere of LIS: Analysing the Materials of the BOBCATSSS Conference




library and information sciences (LIS), international cooperation, scientific communications, co-authorship, international project activity, bibliometric analysis, BOBCATSSS Conference


Objective. The article highlights the results of analysing the materials of the International Scientific Conference BOBCATSSS (2012–2023) within the framework of which current topics of library and information science, education, and practice are discussed. Methods. The study of international professional cooperation is based on the use of a complex of scientific methods, in particular: analysis and synthesis, static analysis, bibliometric analysis, and scientometric diagnostics. Results. The expansion of the geographical boundaries in international cooperation has been determined. The thematic aspects that were discussed during 2012–2023 are revealed. Attention is focused on international co-authorship as a priority direction of professional interaction. The peculiarities of project professional interaction in terms of quantitative, substantive, and organizational aspects have been revealed. It was established that the majority of international projects announced at the Conference are implemented on the basis of cooperation between universities of European countries. Conclusions. International cooperation of European countries develops, first of all, at the organizational level and is characterized by the joint participation of several universities from different countries for the preparation of the Conference. Secondly, we can observe the development of international research, which is manifested at the level of international co-authorship and international projects. Analysing the materials of the BOBCATSSS Conference attests to the innovative activity of European universities that train personnel for the information and library sphere and raises the issue of intensifying international cooperation of Ukrainian professionals and scientists.

Author Biographies

H. V. SHEMAIEVA, Department of Documentation and Ukrainian Language, National Aerospace University M. E. Zhukovsky «KhAI» (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Hanna Shemaieva,
Doctor of Science in Social Communications, Professor

T. M. KOSTYRKO, Scientific Library, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (Mykolaiv, Ukraine)

Tamara Kostyrko,
PhD in Social Communications,
Library Director

N. H. GRABAR, State Biotechnology University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Natalia Grabar,
PhD in Social Communications,
Professor at the UNESCO Chair in Philosophy of Human Communication and Social Sciences and Humanities


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How to Cite

SHEMAIEVA, H. V., KOSTYRKO, T. M., & GRABAR, N. H. (2023). International Cooperation in the Sphere of LIS: Analysing the Materials of the BOBCATSSS Conference. University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (8), 9–21.

