Scientific Achievements of the Leader of Modern Ukrainian Librarianship V. Ilhanaieva: Bio-bibliometric Analysis




bio-bibliometric analysis, biobibliometrics, bibliographic data, scientific activity, scientific productivity, social communications


Objective. The article aims to highlight the essence and possibilities of biobibliometrics in determining the scientific productivity of scientists, in particular, the scientific achievements of one of the most outstanding researchers in librarianship V. Ilhanaieva. Methods. Bio-bibliometric analysis was the main method used in the study to determine the current state of science and technology in the field of social communications. The methods of analysis and synthesis were also used. Results. The results of the bio-bibliometric analysis of the scientific activity of the leader of modern domestic librarianship V. Ilhanaieva are presented by characterizing her general scientific productivity and defining the features of achievements at individual stages of the research activity in the field of social communications. Conclusions. It has been proven the dependence of developing science and technology on scientists' research activity and their social connections, as well as functional connections between elements of biographical information and bibliographic data.  Wherein the prospects of biobibliometrics as a special scientific tool for such studies are determined.

Author Biographies

O. M. KOBIELIEV, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Oleksii Kobieliev,
Doctor of Social Communication Science,
Professor of the Department of Digital Communications and Information Studies

O. O. KARPENKO, State University of Information and Communication Technologies (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Olena Karpenko,
PhD in Pedagogy,
Associate Professor of the Documentation Scoence and the Ukrainian Langiage Department

T. O. KOLESNYKOVA, Scientific Library, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (Dnipro, Ukraine)

Tetiana Kolesnykova,
PhD in Social Communication,
Senior Researcher,
Director of the Scientific Library


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How to Cite

KOBIELIEV, O. M., KARPENKO, O. O., & KOLESNYKOVA, T. O. (2023). Scientific Achievements of the Leader of Modern Ukrainian Librarianship V. Ilhanaieva: Bio-bibliometric Analysis. University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (8), 226–236.

