The Contribution of Special Libraries in Promoting Social Inclusion in Indonesia




social inclusion, library transformation, special library, information services


Objective. The majority of special libraries fulfill the information needs of their work environment to support the development and improvement of the duties and functions of the institution and its human resources. However, several service innovations have been carried out by creating social inclusion-based service programs for the general public. One is the Center for Library and Dissemination of Agricultural Technology (PUSTAKA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia. This research aims to provide an overview of how the PUSTAKA special library can be involved in creating service innovations for the public through social inclusion programs. Methods. The method used is a qualitative method with a library research approach. Results. The study results illustrate that PUSTAKA has extended its reach to communities with limited agricultural collections and information access. The library has also become a maker space for entrepreneurship awareness and creativity, enhancing the potential of the community related to agriculture. PUSTAKA serves as a knowledge hub for agriculture, boasting vast agricultural resources. Furthermore, the library uses information technology to provide virtual services, expanding its reach and promoting agricultural literacy in remote areas. PUSTAKA's multifaceted approach to serving the community highlights its commitment to agricultural education and inclusive social services. Conclusions. The research concludes that PUSTAKA as a special library has implemented social inclusion in contributing to the community by improving the skills of farmers, promoting agricultural literacy, and extending access to agricultural collections and information.

Author Biographies

A. YANTO, Department of Library and Information Science, Universitas Padjadjaran (Bandung, Indonesia)

Andri Yanto,
Master of Library and Information Science,

P. PRIJANA, Department of Library and Information Science, Universitas Padjadjaran (Bandung, Indonesia)

Master of Library and Information Science,

T. NURSARI, Universitas Padjadjaran (Bandung, Indonesia)

Tita Nursari,
Master Degree Student,
LPDP Awardee


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How to Cite

YANTO, A., PRIJANA, P., & NURSARI, T. (2023). The Contribution of Special Libraries in Promoting Social Inclusion in Indonesia. University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (8), 99–107.

