Mediatization as a Fundamental Communication Strategy of University Libraries in Kharkiv




university libraries in Kharkiv, mediatization, social networks, messengers, Internet marketing, branding


Objective. The aim of the study is to develop conceptual foundations for medialization as the most effective communication strategy for university libraries. The unique experience of analytical and marketing practices in scientific libraries of universities enables them to effectively monitor the impact of their official accounts on social networks and messaging platforms, thereby contributing to the formation of their unique image. Methods. Employed methods include observation, comparison, Internet marketing, content analysis of official university websites, references to official web representations on social networks (messengers), statistical and mathematical methods, as well as systemic and socio-communicative approaches. Results. The study clarified the extent of Kharkiv universities’ incorporation into the global communication space through their web presence activity on various social networks/messengers. Rankings for the popularity of social networks/messengers (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Telegram) among Kharkiv universities, as well as for their Telegram channels based on the number of subscribers were developed. Conclusions. University libraries possess powerful analytical potential for enhancing the effectiveness of universities’ branding campaigns through medialization – effective communication activities on social networks/messengers. Systematic use of web analytics tools to monitor the effectiveness of communication strategies and adapt content according to subscribers’ interests can improve the quality of communication and marketing activities in higher education institutions.

Author Biographies

A. A. SOLIANYK, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Alla Solianyk,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Vice-Rector for Scientific Work


A. M. SHELESTOVA, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Anna Shelestova,
PhD in Social Communication Studies,
Senior Lecturer,
Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism

N. A. KORZHYK, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Nataliya Korzhyk,
PhD in Social Communication Studies,
Associate Professor,
Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies and Social Communications

A. O. BORYSOVA, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Alina Borysova,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences,
Associate Professor


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How to Cite

SOLIANYK, A. A., SHELESTOVA, A. M., KORZHYK, N. A., & BORYSOVA, A. O. (2024). Mediatization as a Fundamental Communication Strategy of University Libraries in Kharkiv. University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (9), 23–46.

