'Library' in the Language Consciousness of Modern Students: from a Book Depository to a Cultural and Educational Hub (Based on a Free Associative Experiment)





associative experiment, associative field, linguistic consciousness, library, student


Objective. The purpose of the given paper is to record modern students’ perception and interpretation of the library phenomenon, build associative field of the considered stimulus word, and analyze it in details. Basic options for the traditional and updated contextual compatibility of the lexeme library as an educational center, modern enlightening and cultural hub were presented and described in the article. Methods. In order to achieve the stated goal free associative experiment was conducted. General scientific methods of observation, comparison, generalization, description and systematization, as well as linguistic methods of linguistic observation and description were also utilized. Results. The results illustrate expansion of the connecting possibilities of the lexeme library and the transformation in its perception by Ukrainian and foreign students. Conclusions. The study proves that the interpretation of the library phenomenon by modern students doesn’t contradict codified meaning of the lexeme under consideration. Library is associated with learning, reading literature, acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities. At the same time, the concept of the library has been expanded to correlate it with a renewed space for studying, spending free time, holidays, organizing events, and communicating with acquaintances.

Author Biographies

M. M. ZHOVNIR, Poltava State Medical University (Poltava, Ukraine)

Maryna Zhovnir,
PhD in Philology,
Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies

T. O. LESHCHENKO, Poltava State Medical University (Poltava, Ukraine)

Tatiana Leshchenko,
Candidate of Philology,
Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies


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How to Cite

ZHOVNIR, M. M., & LESHCHENKO, T. O. (2024). ’Library’ in the Language Consciousness of Modern Students: from a Book Depository to a Cultural and Educational Hub (Based on a Free Associative Experiment). University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (9), 204–216. https://doi.org/10.15802/unilib/2024_313581

