Ways of Development of the National Electronic Scientific Information System as a Tool for Implementing the State Open Science Policy in Ukraine





CRIS-system, URIS, system analysis of scientific information, prospective directions of URIS development, ways of implementation, principles of URIS work, open science, State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine, academic libraries, national plan for open science, European Research Area


Objective. Since 2020, Ukraine has been developing the National Electronic Scientific Information System (URIS). The creation and development of URIS were initially guided by a specific Concept, whose implementation timeline has now concluded. However, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine mandated that work on URIS should continue. Consequently, there is a need to develop a new concept and identify the future directions for this scientific information system. Current research has emphasized the necessity of implementing the open science paradigm and highlighted the role of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) in this process. There is a specific need to establish the development directions for URIS as a unique type of such system. The aim is to explore the prospective directions for the development of the National Electronic Scientific Information System "URIS," detailing the pathways for its growth and integrating new functions to fully implement the principles of open science in Ukraine. Methods. The study employed methods of theoretical generalization of normative and analytical data, as well as statistical and comparative analysis of the obtained scientific information. Results. The study identified seven directions with specific implementation paths: developing new functional modules for URIS, ensuring the comprehensive inclusion of priority information resources within URIS, providing Ukrainian scientists, research institutions, and higher education institutions with a digital tool, enabling ongoing communication with the scientific community and business representatives, identifying shortcomings in existing legal acts, creating conditions to overcome the dispersion of financial resources, accounting for losses in Ukrainian research infrastructure due to Russian military aggression. The URIS serves as a multifunctional platform for collecting, processing, and disseminating data related to scientific activities in Ukraine. Developed by the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine, URIS aims to integrate and present aggregated data from various research institutions and universities, thereby enhancing the visibility of Ukrainian research on a global scale. This paper discusses the importance of URIS in supporting academic and research libraries, emphasizing the role of the library's experts in implementing the project. Conclusions. The development and improvement of URIS should lead to a significant reduction in the use of paper for various documents, offering interested individuals and organizations a wide range of digital tools for quick and continuous access to research data, information, and services related to the field of science. The full implementation of this project will enhance the visibility of Ukrainian scientists and research infrastructures both within Ukraine and for interested researchers and institutions in Europe and globally. Scope of Application of Research Results. The development of URIS will support the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in fulfilling the national plan for open science and accelerating Ukraine's integration into the European Research Area. The successful implementation of URIS demonstrates the vital role of academic and research libraries in the digital age. The expertise of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine has been instrumental in advancing the goals of URIS, which aims to enhance the quality and visibility of Ukrainian research both nationally and internationally.

Author Biographies

A. H. ZHARINOVA, State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Alla Zharinova,
Doctor of Economics,
Acting Director

S. S. ZHARINOV, State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Serhii Zharinov,
Senior Researcher,
PhD student

Y. V. RYBALKO, State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Yaroslav Rybalko,


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How to Cite

ZHARINOVA, A. H., ZHARINOV, S. S., & RYBALKO, Y. V. . (2024). Ways of Development of the National Electronic Scientific Information System as a Tool for Implementing the State Open Science Policy in Ukraine. University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (9), 131–139. https://doi.org/10.15802/unilib/2024_314985

