Changes in the Activities of the Library of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University in the Framework of Open Science
open science, open access, open data, library resources, scientific research, scientometrics, Scientific Library of the Yaroslav Mudryi NLU, modificationsAbstract
Objective. The article examines the role of modifications in the activities of the Scientific Library of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Yaroslav Mudryi NLU) as a basis for using its innovative potential in promoting the benefits of open science among the academic community, and facilitating the consolidation (unification) of research achievements on topical issues of law. Methods. The general scientific methods (analytical, comparative, analysis and synthesis, etc.) were applied, which made it possible to determine the features of structural and functional, reorganizational, resource and service modernization of the library's activities in the implementation of the latest open science technologies. Results. The article shows the role of the library as a reliable assistant of the University in the processes of research data exchange, a guarantor of the formation and adaptation of the online environment, resources, bibliometric tools to provide systematic support for research and strengthen communication interaction during remote work in wartime. Conclusions. Attention is focused on the need for strategic use of modifications in the library's activities, which allow achieving a balanced combination of open science goals with the modification of the library system and obtaining a synergistic effect within the research infrastructure of the University.
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