Scientific Schools of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture through the Prism of Google Academy Scientometrics
scientific school, scientometrics, researchers, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, scientific productivity, social communicationsAbstract
Objective. The article aims to highlight the role and importance of officially recognized scientific schools at the Kharkiv State Academy of Documentary and Information Culture using data from Google Scholar. The research was conducted during July-August 2024. Methods. The study employs scientometric analysis as the main method for determining the current state of science and technology in the field of social communications, alongside methods of analysis and synthesis. The analysis method was used to study the scientific literature on the research topic, the professional development path of the leaders of the scientific schools of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, and the terms used in the study. The synthesis method was used to write the conclusions of the research. Results. The results of the analysis of scientometric profiles of the leaders of these scientific schools in Google Scholar are presented. The study also establishes the expediency of using scientometric analysis of profiles in Google Scholar to determine the state and trends in the development of scientific fields and industries. Conclusions. The article demonstrates the potential of analyzing scientometric profiles of researchers in Google Scholar to assess their overall scientific productivity and the nuances of achievements at different stages of research activities in the field of social communications.
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