Development of Leadership Qualities of the Managerial Staff as a Factor Influencing the Resilience of the University Library in the Crisis
management, academic libraries, organisational resilience, ethical leadership, democratic leadership, transformational leadership, shared leadershipAbstract
Objective. The purpose of the publication is to determine the role of leadership development of the managerial staff in ensuring the management of the university library in the dynamic crisis conditions of long-term martial law. The article analyses the features of resilient organisations that promptly restore controllability and perform work tasks. The leadership qualities, the development of which is expedient in the team in the conditions of crisis changes, are considered. Methods. The conducted analysis covered the scientific publications on the topic of the study. The study used empirical methods to determine the effectiveness of leadership development among library managers. Results. The influence of the state of technical and social components on the resilience of the organisation is considered. Technical components are difficult to influence by the library administration, unlike social ones. That is why the main focus is on the regulation of social components. Based on the practical results of the library's work, the expediency of forming a leadership style to ensure the library's resilience in crisis conditions is substantiated. Conclusions. Thus, we believe that in crisis conditions, the resilience of an organisation can be enhanced by developing the leadership skills of the library management. During the period of uncertain crisis conditions of martial law, these leadership styles normalise the psychological climate in the team and set employees up for results.
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