Project Solutions for the Successful Implementation of the Strategy of Creating a Consolidated Resource of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
academic libraries, Information and Library Council, V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, digital platform ResearchUAAbstract
Objective. The study focuses on the relevance of launching the ResearchUA digital platform based on the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine to form a consolidated scientific information space. Methods. The results of the research were obtained thanks to the application of a complex of general and special methods of scientific knowledge, among which systemic and synergistic approaches, structural-functional and descriptive methods, source analysis and synthesis were decisive. Results. There is an urgent need to establish a system of informing about academic resources that have been created for more than a hundred years of operation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine has launched the ResearchUA digital platform, which is focused on the development of the electronic research infrastructure of not only the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, but also on the formation of the national digital scientific space, namely the accumulation, integration, effective use of scientific electronic library and information resources and their promotion to modern global digital platforms communications. Conclusions. A promising direction for further information and communication activities of academic libraries is to intensify information support for scientific research in Ukraine by promoting the involvement of new forms of digital scientific communication; developing modern models of communication with all subjects of copyright for scientific works; simplifying access to scientific library and information resources; integrating and consolidating scientific library and information resources; introducing digital resources of the national documentary cultural heritage into scientific circulation; monitoring the state and development of scientific research in Ukraine.
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