Sources of Up-to-Date Information of the University Library during the Full-Scale Russian Invasion of Ukraine
university library, collections, new acquisitions, full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022–2024, educational process, UkraineAbstract
Objective. The article aims to highlight the peculiarities of the acquisition process of a university research library in wartime and the qualitative satisfaction of readers' requests with the help of stock collections. The object of the study is the books and journals added to the university's library collections in 2022-2024. The new acquisitions were analysed by type, subject, publisher and source. Methods. To create a holistic picture of the development of the library's documentary resource over time, the analytical-synthetic, systemic-structural, comparative and statistical research methods were used. Results. The results of the study indicate that the selection and analysis of the university library's acquisitions during the war proves the primary importance of replenishing the book collection with Ukrainian-language multidisciplinary sources of relevant information. This contributes to the quality information support of the educational process and scientific activity in full. Conclusions. Despite the difficulties, library collections as an information system are developing and updating. The analysis allowed us to present a picture of the state of Ukrainian publishing and strong support for university libraries.
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