The Role and Place of the Library as an Information Centre in the Process of Learning Foreign Languages
library, information resource, library collections, electronic resources, foreign languages, foreign language communicative competenceAbstract
This paper provides an overview of the importance and place of the library in foreign language learning. Objective. The purpose of the article is to study the role and place of the Scientific Library of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv as an information centre in the process of learning foreign languages. Methods. The paper uses a set of theoretical research methods, in particular: analysis, synthesis, generalisation, abstraction, interpretation, as well as comparative, descriptive and comparison methods. Results. The results of this research, as well as the conclusions drawn on their basis, are of practical value for lecturers, teachers and students interested in using libraries to improve the process of learning foreign languages. Conclusions. The study has shown that modern libraries are powerful information centres that not only create a comfortable environment for the cultural development of students, but also for their educational development, including when learning foreign languages.
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