Transforming Libraries into Inclusive Spaces: The Paradigm and Functions of Living Collection in Academic Library of Indonesia




academic library, inclusive library, living collection, library transformation


Objective. This research aims to understand the paradigm underlying the implementation of living collection services and the functions of living collection presented at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University library. Method. This research uses qualitative methods, with collecting the data through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed by performing data reduction. After that, the data is presented in the form of text, images, and tables, followed by drawing conclusions related to the research questions. Result. The research results show that the living collection at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University library refers to inclusive and knowledge management paradigm. The inclusive paradigm helps libraries strive for the dissemination of information to all users without exception, while the knowledge management paradigm allows libraries to manage and maintain rare information that can be accessed into the future. Living Collection as inclusive service present any functions namely educational, information, preservation, research, and recreational functions. Conclusions. By using an inclusive and knowledge management paradigm, living collections represent many functions that help libraries transforming new face to become inclusive-based libraries that can be enjoyed by all communities.

Author Biographies

F. A. FIRDAUS, Faculty of Adab and Cultural Sciences, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

Fadlan Agustina Firdaus,
Library Science Student

A. F. SAUFA, Faculty of Adab and Cultural Sciences, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

Arina Faila Saufa,
Master of Library and Information Science,


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How to Cite

FIRDAUS, F. A., & SAUFA, A. F. (2024). Transforming Libraries into Inclusive Spaces: The Paradigm and Functions of Living Collection in Academic Library of Indonesia. University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (9), 325–335.

