Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries: Foreign and Ukrainian Experience




academic libraries, ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (AI), foreign experience, Ukrainian experience


The objective is to determine the direction of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in the activities of foreign and domestic academic libraries. Methods. The research is based on a combination of the method of analyzing the content of publications with the methods of systematization, generalization, surveying employees of academic libraries in Ukraine, and the method of comparative analysis. Results. It was found that the general directions for practical application of AI technologies in academic libraries of foreign and Ukrainian countries are: training, reference work, intelligent user service, and collection management. The main direction of the ChatGPT application is: to study this tool, and its application in reference and advertising activities. It was established that in libraries of foreign universities, the following are being initiated: the creation of intellectual spaces (USA); the use of robotics (Canada, China); and the formation of a smart library (USA, China). Conclusions. The importance of implementing AI technologies in the activities of academic libraries, which create new opportunities for scientific research and education, is confirmed. At the same time, the research confirms the insufficient level of AI implementation by university libraries to provide innovative alternative services. It is urgent to develop a strategy for the university library regarding implementing AI technologies and developing employees' relevant competencies.

Author Biographies

H. V. SHEMAIEVA, National Aerospace University M. E. Zhukovsky «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Hanna Shemaieva,
Doctor of Science in Social Communications, Professor

T. M. KOSTYRKO, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (Mikolaiv, Ukraine)

Tamara Kostyrko,
PhD in Social Communications,
Library Director

A. E. PRILUTSKA, National Aerospace University M .E. Zhukovsky «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Alla Prilutska,
PhD in Philosophy,
Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Documentation and Ukrainian Language





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How to Cite

SHEMAIEVA, H. V., KOSTYRKO, T. M., & PRILUTSKA, A. E. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries: Foreign and Ukrainian Experience. University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings, (9), 316–324.

