Developing a Sense of Community in the Activities of the University Library of Ukraine in Wartime (on the Example of the Scientific Library of USUST)
university library, community, students, crisis experience of librarians, diversity, emotional balance, socio-cultural activity, equity, martial law, UkraineAbstract
Objective. The authors believe that during the crisis of the highest level, associated with the threat to human life and health, the socio-cultural aspects of the activities of libraries of higher education institutions are important for different countries and require more detailed study. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the practices of developing a sense of community in the socio-cultural activities of a university library in Ukraine in wartime (on the example of the Scientific library of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies). Methods. The article is based on self-reflection, direct experiences and crisis experience of the authors in organising and conducting library leisure activities for students at the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (USUST) (Dnipro, Ukraine). The work uses a combination of research approaches and methods: to determine the state of development of the scientific problem, the author used a source search and analysis of relevant publications on the topic of the study; a comparative approach – to compare the similarities and differences in the main functions of university libraries in Ukraine and abroad; the method of observation – to determine the features of various library activities aimed at developing a sense of community among students. Results. The crisis experience of wartime librarians demonstrates the ability to quickly replace (despite narrow specialisation in peacetime) and unite colleagues, the ability to integrate cultural and social activities into a single process, simultaneous involvement in various types and forms of professional activities aimed at communities of students, teachers, researchers, and the public. The article presents a fairly wide landscape of leisure practices in the socio-cultural work of the university library of USUST in the frontline city of Dnipro, which allows students, teachers and their children to escape from the already everyday and familiar danger. Librarians help students to restore a sense of unity, cohesion, community, a sense of “I am not alone” and “together we are many”, even when they are often physically separated. Conclusions. Community has become a phenomenon that represents Ukrainian spirituality, humanity, dignity and resilience. The activities of university libraries aimed at developing community are especially important for those countries that are experiencing social and political transformations as a result of military conflicts.
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